Friday, June 29, 2007

why should you startup?

I received a link on reasons why you should start a company in one of the discussion forums. The excerpt that I liked the most from the article is here.

One of the audience members asked if the founders were able to work from 8-5 to Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn. He sort of sighed and had this to say:

“Before you get profitable and establish yourself, you’re basically walking dead and you have to realize it’s more of a marathon than a sprint.”

He then went on to say that you can expect to work over 70 hour work weeks to get the product out the door. If you’ve run any type of long distance race, then you’ll understand the importance of mental focus. For example, if you’re mentally ready to run five miles, and at the fifth mile you’re told to run five more, that’s much harder than mentally preparing for ten miles at the start. The only way to train for a marathon is by running, and the only way to train for a startup is by starting.

You can refer the complete article here.

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